Sydney Water

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We're fundraising for...

The KARI Foundation! The KARI Foundation work with the Aboriginal community to create meaningful points of connection to share Aboriginal culture and achievement. 

We're running the City2Surf to raise funds for their Sport and Healthy Lifestyle programs for Aboriginal young people, to encourage them to focus on the importance of their mental and physical health and wellbeing. 

We're looking forward to sharing our journey and milestones with you in support of the KARI Foundation. To find out more about what they do, visit their website:

Thank you to our Sponsors




Melissa Gillies

Go Matty!




Belinda Kinneally




Carlie Langsworth


Leon Mcnally

Well done Darling!!!!!


Kevin Hird

G0 Matt !!


Ryan K


Steve Kearney

Enjoy the run. See you at the beach.


Ngulla Murrandah

Go for it.


Karen Davis

Go Veronica. Proud of you as always!❤️


Peter Smith

Good Luck Matt, I'm walking so might see you at the finish line!


Peter Grimison


Daniel Madeddu

Go Matt!


Lewis Fogerty


Justin Doyle

Best of luck Veronica



You will blitz this Jen as you do everything that you put your mind to. I hope the wind is on your back and your joggers make each stride effortless ❤️


Ian Burrows

Well done Jen. Hope The Hill doesn’t break your heart, Dad


Andy Mck

You’ve got this. Train for the hill.. the rest is a breeze!


Ian Sharpe

Good luck Jen! The City 2 Surf is such a great fun run and raising money for an important cause. You’ll be great tackling the hill.


Deborah Franco

Go Matt. I'll be with you in spirit on Heartbreak Hill (!!). xo


Vicki Brennan

Super proud of you for taking on this run - it’s a tough one and also for your support of the Kari Foundation and the amazing work they do. Good on you Matthew!


Linda Collard

Great cause. Great run! x


Sue Dobson

Go Jen! Having run C2S once (1978) I agree with the other comment, that once you’ve done “the hill”, the rest is pretty cruisey! Enjoy the whole experience - an iconic Sydney event!


Bruce & Rob


Elena Bradfield

Proud and good luck


Hall Family

Well done Matt!! You’re such an inspiration 👏 👏


Veronica Murphy



Go you good thing. ❤️


Greg Day

Go you! 🏃‍♂️👍


Emma Bradbeer

You’ve got this Lewis! Fantastic cause..Go Smash that goal 💥


Kathy Pasalich

Nice one Lewis! You’ll smash it!!


Catherine Cunningham


Jim Syd

Keep it up. We'll done!


Belinda Bright

Awesome cause Matt..well done.


Daniel Kinneally


Jim Syd

Well done


Belinda Bright

Great cause and you'll have a great day out! Good on you Veronica!


Belinda Bright

Awesome cause Lewis. Have a fabulous day out!



Go for it sista!


Rita Raisin


Giang Nguyen

Great work Lewis.


Mariam Singh



Rebecca Shields

Go for gold 🏆


Pei Giam

Nice work Jen!!


Joy Keefe

Good luck and nicely done 🤗


Kazan Brown


Samantha O'callaghan


Amy Miszalski

Lovely to see your post Matt. All the best for your run and for fundraising for KARI Foundation. Warmest, Amy


Jes Ellis

Awesome Matt! Enjoy the post celebrations for your hard work! X


Mattias Togolo

Hope it went well MA


Alex Cech

Go Veronica! I believe in you!


Jes Ellis

Run like the wind and enjoy the celebration bevie when you’re done! Cheers


Luke Martin

Great effort for a great cause!


Stephanie Pinto Eq Consulting

Go Jen!


Jay Zafiropoulos


Matt Davidson


Nick Botzolis

Well done Dan!


Rebecca Mede

Congratulations to all who are doing the city to surf for Kari!


Miranda Chau

Keep it up the good work Lewis!


Leo Kirby


Robyn Ellis

Go you good thing, like last year. Love Robyn.


Wendy (walker)

I'm proud to call you my friend. I support you 100%! Look forward to hearing & seeing more. Hope you reach your goal 🤞🙏


The Wilsons


Leeanne And Boys X

Well done great work!!!


Robert Sciberras



Way to go Matt 🙌🏻❤️


Alexander Quach


Kathleen Lewis

Good luck. I'm sure you will smash it. X



Go Lewis - what a great goal and cause!



Good Luck!