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Every dollar you donate goes towards building bright futures for Aboriginal families and young people.


Do you want to be a part of a life-changing organisation? Become a monthly giver today and show your support for Australia's largest Aboriginal charity.

Change Lives

Learn more about what we're doing to change the lives of the Aboriginal community and the programs we deliver.


We will be participating in the Sun Herald 2024 City2Surf! Register your interest now to join Team KARI!

  • Jimmy just donated $10.55
  • Gavin Taylor just donated $104.00
  • s ly just donated $50.00
  • Charles just donated $75.00
  • Donna Johnson just donated $26.38
  • Josh Wakefield just donated $105.50
  • Michael Chen just donated $514.55
  • Auzoom Projects Pty Ltd just donated $2020.00
  • Lauren is the best just donated $20.00
  • Wilson & Chonga just donated $21.00
  • Anonymous just donated $14.00
  • Stella Jean-Louis just donated $52.75
  • Haranath Pindiprolu just donated $105.50
  • Greg Wilson just donated $26.00
  • Retaining NSW just donated $4000.00
  • MG Civil Australia just donated $4000.00
  • Chris Davies just donated $20.00
  • Chris just registered for KARI 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner
  • Luke Woods just donated $10.55
  • Melissa Mirabile just donated $52.75

About Our Charity

KARI is the collective term we use when referring to our three entities: KARI Limited, KARI Foundation and KARI Aboriginal Procurement.

KARI was established in 1999 through the creation of KARI Limited, which has long supported the Aboriginal community by designing and delivering quality programming and services. Today, KARI Limited continues to be a leader in the space of Aboriginal child protection.

In 2016, after 17 years of successful operations, the KARI Board of Directors agreed to the creation of the KARI Foundation. They understood the outcomes of Aboriginal  could be further achieved by increased collaboration between state and federal Governments, Corporate Australia and Collective Australia.

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