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We're fundraising for...

The KARI Foundation! The KARI Foundation work with the Aboriginal community to create meaningful points of connection to share Aboriginal culture and achievement. 

We're running the City2Surf to raise funds for their Sport and Healthy Lifestyle programs for Aboriginal young people, to encourage them to focus on the importance of their mental and physical health and wellbeing. 

We're looking forward to sharing our journey and milestones with you in support of the KARI Foundation. To find out more about what they do, visit their website: https://www.kari.org.au/

Thank you to our Sponsors


Mg Civil Australia


Retaining Nsw


Design & Construct

Good luck to all the Team at Texco. May the god of Hamstrings & Muscle cramps be Kind to you all!


Auzoom Projects Pty Ltd

Go Texco Team!



Wishing the Texco team the best of luck


Sebastian Ferla

Good work Guys


Mrp Group Nsw Pty Ltd


Michael Chen

Enjoy the view while having a fun run. Go Tom!




Brett & Rach




Go John!


Izonack Mafra


Nick Crosby

Ma boy, you got this!


Grant Griffin


Ella Springer

Proud of you bestie!


Tahlia Benjamin (jon’s Fav Sister)


Taylor Nicholls


Ana Martha Alves


Lori And Dan


Jon Benjmain


Martine And Michael Springer

A wonderful cause! Well done Ella 💫


Rachel Carnevale


Judi Berman

Proud of you, beautiful Ella❣️love, Judi, Anthony & boys xxx


Debbie And David

Well done Ella 👏 have a fun run ! 🏃‍♀️


Joel Springer


Will Heffernan

All for a great cause!


Jackson Carns

You're my boy blue!


Erica Blanco


Karen Schuftan

Good for you Ella! What a great thing to do and wonderful cause 😊


Jania Hulse


Emma H




Love u girl xx - P