David Mate

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Wish Me Luck, I'm going to need it

This year, I’m participating in the city 2 surf with two of my children. Wish me luck as I’m going to need it to make it to the end. The chances of me needing to carry them both up heart break hill is high.

Please help me support the KARI Foundation, who work with Aboriginal communities to create opportunities for cultural exchange and celebration and let’s have a great day!

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

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Thank you to my Sponsors


David / Zoe / Archer Mate


Nicole Jullian Sahr

Hope it’s a great day out with the fam!


Anya Fitzgibbon

May those long legs take you far and fast!


Emma Ringland

Hope you, Zoe and Archer have a great run, Dave!


Andrew Van Der Meer


Barton Hellyer

yeah boy!!!